MINDblowing Copenhagen

Denmark will generate 50% of its electricity from wind energy by 2020. Copenhagen will be CO2 neutral by 2025. Copenhagen will show Europe and the rest of the world how to become carbon neutral by 2025! Truly MINDblowing!

Samsø: Denmark's Energy Island

Samsø is a Danish island with 4,300 inhabitants. In 1997, the island won a government competition to become a model for renewable energy sustainability and now, 15 years later, Samsø produces 100% of its electricity from wind power. This video chronciles its evolution to green energy self-sufficiency.

100KW Energy Storage System On Gigha

Creag Bhan, Isle of Gigha

Energy Cooperatives Ireland (ECI) reports that Irish renewable energy storage company RedT has acquiried a £3.5M grant from the UK Department of Energy (DECC) to develop a utility scale energy storage system on the Scottish Island of Gigha.

The Gigha project will involve the installation of a 100KW/1.26 MWH RedT vanadium redox battery (VRB) system which will enable the island’s community to maximize the benefits of renewable energy supplied by its wind turbines. This utility scale system will be a valuable proving ground for the technology at the utility scale which could provide the most viable solution to the renewable energy intermittency issue.

Ar Na Saolta Seo: Fuinneamh Gaoithe

Is eagal le Ciarán Mac Aonghusa gur spaga beag folamh an rialtais áitiúil a d’fhág é ag santú comhlachtaí a chuirfeas muilte gaoithe ar mhullach gach cnoic. Ní chun leas na timpeallachta an méid sin.

Ní féidir doineann ar leith a chur síos don athrú aeráide, ach chuir an spéirling Sandy, a bhuail Oir-Thuaisceart na Stát Aontaithe le gairid, daoine ag smaoineamh ar an fhíor-dhrochaimsir, atá, de réir cosúlachta, ag tarlú níos minice ná cheana. Ag an am chéanna, áfach, tá níos mó daoine ag cur in aghaidh ceann de na foinsí is mó d’fhuinneamh in-athnuaite, mar atá, an ghaoth.