Education Materials

Dr. Eamonn Green educates and energises a new generation! E² = GenX

Science and civics education are not always fun for students and we aim to change that! We have developed a puppetry skit called "Off the Grid and Into the Shed" featuring a student, Your Lad and Green, who teaches the wisdom of green energy. A video of the skit is in the making and the dialog of the skit is outlined below.

Green energy education is enlightening GenX!

"Get Off The Grid And Into The Shed"

Starring Your Lad & Dr. Green:

DG: "Your Lad, you're using too much energy with all your phone calls, Internet and driving around..."
YL: "Oh not at all, I'm not worrying myself about that, there's plenty to go round!"
DG: " No there's not! Most of the energy that runs your gadgets and gizmos comes from fossil fuels like coal, gas and oil, and they're all in short supply."
YL: "Stop your nagging will you! I'm too busy to think about that kind of thing. That's someone else's problem. They'll sort it out! "
DG: "For now maybe, but these are finite resources that won't last forever, and think of the damage we are doing to the planet, all those greenhouse gasses pumping into the atmosphere, raising the Earth's temperature, melting the ice caps and causing weather chaos!"
YL: "Oh, calm down now. I've heard of climate change, but all that stuff is ages away, isn't it? You make it sound like some big disaster movie!"

Green energy instruction is energising GenX!

DG: "And that's exactly what it is Your Lad. The only problem is WE ARE ALL IN IT! You can't bury your head in the sand forever."
YL: "But what can I do? Aren't the big fellers doing anything about it?"
DG: "The short answer is they're not doing enough and not quickly enough too! You kids need to get involved because when the lights go off, it will be YOU left standing it he dark, with no mobile, heating or bus home!"
YL: "So what's the alternative?"
DG: "There are other sources of green energy all around us that are..."
YL: "Yeah like solar and wind energy, right?"
DG: "Exactly, but there are others too, like tidal and wave energy, lateral and horizontal geothermal energy and..."
YL: "Wow, those sound COOOOL!"
DG: "And because they are natural and in such abundance, they're totally free! All you need is the right equipment to harness their power."

Green energy studies are electrifying GenX!

YL: "So it's not all bad then?"
DG: "As long as we move quickly to replace the old fossil fuels that power the national energy grid with these new green energies, who knows in the future we could all be making our own power and be energy self-sufficient!"
YL: "I've got to tell my friends about this."
DG: "Why not, it's something you can all get involved in right now, while you are still at school with your own green energy station that we've called the solar shed. It's so simple, just a wooden shed, solar panels and a wind turbine, add a group of enthusiastic students who want to save the world."
YL: " A good gust of Irish wind and a spot of sunlight..."
DG: "And you have your very own live, functioning power station."
YL: "So I can recharge my iPhone, post a new profile picture..."
DG: "Better still, just go to and get your school to join in the green energy project. You never know, that disaster movie might have a happy ending after all, and you'll get to save the planet before supper!"