Guarie Glas is a community-based non-profit trust for green energy assistance. Its goal is to facilitate and accelerate the awareness, instruction and construction of clean, renewable energy technologies in local communities. The trust seeks to be as inclusive as possible with regard to community participation and encourages the involvement of all groups including children, youth, families, neighborhoods, the aged, disabled and others.
Green Energy: Secure, Local and Abundant! |
Initially, Guaire Glas is implementing a "Instruction and Construction" approach to science, construction and civics curricula with a focus on energy and the role it plays in our lives. A guiding principle of the trust's activities is good governance, community involvement and local sourcing of materials and labor to the degree possible. The organization is promoting the concept of the Teach Bheag Gréine or Solar Shed for secondary schools. The project is most suited for transitional year students in secondary school as a full-time project.
Renewable energy for a clean and safe future. |
The trust's organizational framework is charitable. It is to operate in a manner that is beneficial to the community it serves in a variety of ways and promote the common good whenever feasible. Guaire Glas also aims to provide economically distressed communities assistance and relief.
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Guaire Glas is a community trust that strives for the advancement of education with the specific goal of providing schools with instruction in clean energy technologies and promoting innovation. Initially the organization seeks to implement clean, renewable energy systems that benefit secondary schools. Other candidates for the trust's projects are community centers and public facilities.
The future really is fantastic! |
The trust has the stated purpose of advancing ethics and social responsibility along with environmental conservation and stewardship. It also seeks to promote awareness and development of innovation and job and wealth creation on the basis of public service and the advancement of the common good. Wherever possible, Guaire Glas pledges to prioritize the sourcing of products and labor locally, regionally and nationally.
A guiding principle is building understanding and fostering relationships between community businesses and their stakeholders. The organization seeks to serve as an intermediary for communities and their businesses so that they benefit business stakeholders to the degree possible in providing local jobs and job training and innovation. The trust is committed to community projects that advance good governance, public accountability and local participation.
Renewable energy for building strong communities. |
Furthermore, Guaire Glas is committed to promoting businesses and other organizations that are beneficial to the community in providing sustainable, long-term income to the communities they serve.
The purpose of Guaire Glas is to provide a framework for practical and sustainable energy development and policy based principally on a partnership of private and public interests. The goal is to promote the concept of sustainable energy development, beginning in the first instance with schools. The broader purpose is to promote innovation of energy technologies at a local level in cooperation with larger governmental and non-governmental organizations.
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